Functional Medicine Services

Functional Medicine Foundations Course

Complex Health Problems Made Simple

Functional medicine for chiropractors & health professionals

Access 7-hours of clinical pearls that you can apply IMMEDIATELY in your clinic. STOP chasing inflammation and START using functional medicine to get results for your patients – fast!

Learn how to piece together clues from your intake form and prescribe tailored supplement protocols based on your patient’s immune type (Th1, Th2 & Th17).

How often do you see people in clinic with?

The latest research shows these aren't always musculoskeletal problems.

They're inflammatory IMMUNE problems.

Inflammation is different for everyone.

This means not everyone will respond to the same type of treatment.

Who is this for?

This online course is for the busy health professional. We’ve condensed the most practical tips so you can start applying these concepts in your clinic – ASAP.

What other health professionals are saying:

Meet Dr Stewart Gillespie

Dr Stewart Gillespie is a functional medicine practitioner with over 15 years of clinical experience. He has treated patients world-wide, mostly through a virtual practice.

Originally trained as an osteopath in London and a chiropractor in New York, Stewart worked closely with Dr Eric Berg for 4 years – dealing with hormones and weight loss clients, as well as interpreting blood work & functional lab testing.

Stewart has also undertaken many training programs & mentorships, including learning from Charles Poliquin, Datis Kharrazian, Functional Medicine University & the Kalish Institute.

He now teaches his signature method to health professionals across the globe, through live workshops and his Functional Medicine Mentorship program.

All you need to know

What’s your patient’s immune type? Th1, Th2, or Th17?

What is keeping your patient’s immune system stuck?

STOP referring out and START helping people with chronic pain and autoimmune disease.

You Will Learn:

Testimonial by Dr Perry Nickelston,
Stop Chasing Pain

Five years ago I became so sick I had to close my practice and stop teaching. I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease and was offered no help from traditional medicine, beyond medication that was not working. I suffered from brain fog, fatigue, pain and exhaustion, taking 3-4 naps a day. I felt like I was slowly dying. Working with Stewart helped bring me back to a place long forgotten about: energy, health and vitality. I was really sick. Then with Stewart's help I was not.


Fast-track your expertise in just a few hours

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How will this course help?


Yes. This course is suitable for the general public and health enthusiasts. This information can benefit everyone.

Dr Stewart Gillespie has a mentorship program where he goes much deeper into these topics. You can access him directly on a weekly live Q&A through the mentorship program.

This material is for educational purposes only. It is not a substitute for advice from your primary medical provider. As a health care professional, please keep within your scope of practice at all times to ensure you are practising safely, lawfully and effectively.