Functional Detox Program

Dr Stewart Gillespie · December 3, 2022

Our best-selling 30-day detoxification program.

A self-paced, online program that uses functional medicine to ensure you detoxify in a safe and effective manner. Implement the steps in this program for yourself or your clients.

Course Information

Understand the major detoxification systems and why you must detoxify in a particular order. This course explores the physiology of detoxification and the organ systems involved.

Module One: Understand the different types of toxins we encounter and how they affect our immune system, nervous system, liver, kidneys and digestive system. Why do we become toxic and how does the body eliminates toxins? Learn about phase 1 and phase 2 detoxification in the liver, as well as the 6 enzymatic pathways essential for proper phase 2 detox. Understand the best ways to support liver health.

Module Two: How do you know if someone is toxic? Use our questionnaires and learn how to quickly identify the symptoms of someone who processes toxins quickly vs someone who has a sluggish liver.

Module Three: Putting it all together. Follow the step-by-step 21-day program to detoxify yourself and your patients.


Questionnaires and handouts to supplement your learning and your patient’s understanding.

Difficulty: Beginner

Course Instructor

Dr Stewart Gillespie
Dr Stewart Gillespie Author

Dr Stewart Gillespie is a world-renowned functional medicine practitioner & immune expert. He developed a signature method to identify 7 different types of inflammation & simple protocols that minimise supplements and testing. He shares years of clinical wisdom in a global mentorship program, helping health professionals around the world master chronic inflammation through functional medicine.

Functional Detox Program

Purchase this course

Advanced Gut & Detoxification Bundle


Course Information

Difficulty: Beginner